
The weather in New York City has definitely dropped and all I seem to crave is warm soups and hot drinks. My all time favorite hot drink is Mexican Hot Chocolate.  Hot chocolate in Mexico can be dated back to the Aztecs and it’s definitely still a staple today.

A hot chocolate in Mexico is very creamy yet thick with dark chocolate.  Today, I want to show you my version, something I like to call:  Chocanela.

My grandma, in my fathers side, used to make delicious Mexican Cinnamon Tea (Te de Canela) every single day. It always brings me great memories of the cold mornings and how her tea made me feel so comforted. This is what gave me inspiration to combine my favorite hot drink with my grandma’s delicious tea.

My Chocanela, is much lighter than Mexican Hot chocolate and has the perfect subtle hint of cinnamon. Here is how it’s made (for video instructions check back soon.

Yields: approximately 2 servings

1 (90 grams) round tablet of Mexican chocolate
2 Mexican cinnamon sticks
2 cups of whole milk
2 cups of water

- Bring the water to a boil and add the cinnamon sticks. Boil for approximately 10 minutes under low-medium heat.
- In the meantime, in another pot, add the chocolateto the milk and dissolve completely under low-medium heat. Never bring the milk to a boil. Use a whisk and keep whisking until everything is dissolved into the milk.
- After the 10 minutes of boiling the cinnamon tea, turn off heat and let it steep for another 10 minutes.
- Finally, incorporate the tea into the chocolate mixture and whisk until it’s all incorporated.
(Add additional sugar if desired)

Yum!! So good!




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